Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Cat Jumped Over the Moon....

Before I came to France, I really saw no point in cats. They don't listen. They don't know their names (most of them). They don't play fetch. How boring, right?

Well, I am very thankful that there is an animal around...even if she is a cat. Chaterton is 15 (the same age as Kaya, my Jack Russell at home :( ) but acts as if she is much younger. She has no problems what-so-ever with her health. She still plays, whether that be with her toy fish, my feet when I'm asleep (that one is kinda annoying...), or a ball of aluminum foil. She can even open doors (sometimes she is incredibly lazy and just meows loudly until either I or Pascale get up to open the door). And boy does she meow. She makes tons of funny noises but her meow....as loud as a dog's bark when he sees a cat!

Overall, I now see the benefit of having a cat. We never have to 'take her out,' her food and water last for 3 days, and she doesn't beg at the table. Cats are perfect for busy people who live in apartments and don't have enough space for a Saint Bernard.

Some pictures of Chaterton:

She does whatever she can to be scratched as much as possible. This includes my bed.

Now she wants me to pet her. She'll sit and meow at me until I oblige and pet her.

She can be pretty funny. She likes to just sit and stare at the wall. Interesting, huh?

Curled up to her pet fish on my desk. She is currently in the process of trying to rip both of the eyeballs out. Charming!


  1. ummmm, did you conveniently forget to mention the cat hair that is EVERYWHERE and clings to EVERYTHING. Or, how about finding the cat walking across the kitchen counter or table.... Then again there is the litter box. DOGS ROCK!! :-) I must admit, Chaterton is cute....

  2. Haha, don't worry mom. I am still a dog fan overall. I just don't think cats are evil anymore!
