Thursday, January 21, 2010

Brooke Shaden

I have a friend who dared to move to LA a little over a year ago to pursue her dream of becoming known for film production. Her short films that I saw were absolutely incredible and were well-liked at the film festivals she entered them into. I figured that she would go to LA, work for a few years trying to break into the industry, finally do it, and then slowly work her way up....maybe taking 15 or so years getting known in the field. Well, I was totally wrong. What has taken me by surprise, is how much that path changed. A little over a year ago she decided to start playing with photography. Now she is known as "a new, poetic fine art photographer who has just been added to an international list of the top 30 most influential female photographers under 30." Impressive, huh? Her photos will blow you out of this world. Sometimes they can be a little creepy. Sometimes you just can't figure out how she did it. Other times you can hardly believe it's a photo.

Small tidbit: it is almost always her in the photos.

A few photos to wet your appetite:
- her blog - her online gallery

Check her out if you get a chance!
Or rather, force yourself to take some time. It's worth it, I promise!


  1. Thank you Barbara, so much. You made my heart melt :)

  2. ah some how part of the entry got deleted. i inserted the quote about how you are one of the top 30 under 30! i'll have to fix that immediately! i didnt want to write much though, because i want your pictures to speak for themselves :)
