Friday, November 6, 2009

The Past Few Weeks

Well, I had these past 1.5 weeks off because of the French holiday of 'Toussaint' or 'All Saint's Day.' Honestly, it's just a reason for French people to add another week of vacation to their mandatory 5weeks/year of vacation. But nevertheless, here is a quick re-cap of what happens. This is a picture of a cemetery pre-Toussaint. French cemeteries are all surrounded by stone walls and the tombs/tombstones are all enormous. It's too much in my opinion. On All Saint's Day (Nov. 1), families go to cemeteries and decorate their loved one's graves with mums.

Over break, I also moved into this apartment. I also moved out 3 days later. It wasn't safe. You would think this would be the picture of me moving INTO the apartment, but actually it is me in the process of packing up again! I am happy to be back in St. Sebastian with Marco's mom! I will have to do a tour of the house here some day.

The cat: Chatterton. She looks fierce, doesn't she? It's nice having a pet around. She reminds me of Kaya -spoiled and ALWAYS wanting to be petted. Petite Princess....

That's all she wrote!


  1. I think they are going to run out of land.... does anyone get cremated and do they have memorial gardens of any kind? Walmart just started advertising and selling caskets. Great idea in my opinion as many don't have the $$ for a casket. You can keep my ashes on your mantel :-)! THe REAL question we are ALL BURNING to KNOW.... what wasn't safe about the apt. area?? TEll us the truth- you've made us wait long enough.

  2. wow, amazing picture of the cat.
