Sunday, July 4, 2010

America! Heck, Yea!

Pictures from my welcome home party that Tanner put together and many wonderful friends came to from all over :).  Thanks Shaun for the pictures!

Crazy friends.  Quite entertaining!

Tanner, Jacob, and Marsha.  Tanner lives in a very cool warehouse apartment.

Shaun and Griff.

Shaun and Griff...and oh wait!  Silas just coming out of the bathroom!

Shaun and me.

Kevin and me.  Notice the Coors Lite beer cans hanging up?  Tanner and Dave drank that terrible stuff to make my party super American.  I appreciate the pain they went through for that.

Marsha and me.

Ohhh, do I really have to dance???

Alright, fine. But I'm just going to copy you guys.

Everyone hanging out and eating their very American food.

Tanner - the host of Barbara Fest.  Thanks Tanner!!!

1 comment:

  1. whats a cute party !!
    please invite me! hehe :)

