Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Countdown Continues....


until I can:
- see my family
- see my friends
- drive my car
- eat cottage cheese whenever I want
- understand the measurement system
- drink some real iced tea
- speak English all day long
- not have to worry about strikes (there was ANOTHER today by the way)
- drink Starbucks
- not spend 100 dollars on shoes/pants
- use my Sonicare toothbrush
- get my haircut
- go to the Cheesecake Factory
- spend a US dollar
- call people instead of sending emails all the time
- go to Westminster Presby
- take care of my garden
- watch Law and Order
- eat cereal that isn't chocolate or granola
- sleep with sheets on the bed and with a memory foam pad
- have a bigger variety of clothes
- eat peanut butter, LOTS of peanut butter
- buy an American salad with lots of yummy stuff on top
- get normal tasting vanilla ice cream

Ohhh and the list goes on.....


  1. we have plenty of cereal beside chocolate and granola!

    and our vanilla ice cream tastes like actual vanilla, you must prefer chemicals :D

    but I won't contradict you about the strikes...

  2. okay sorry - chocolate, granola, and Kellogg's Special K.

    And don't even get me started on chemicals Monsieur Bonbon!
