I despise French paperwork. I have been here for 6 months and my paperwork is STILL not completed. I'm sure I've spent 50 euros just on stamps and for sending the same things to the same people, again, and again, and again.....
Yea, maybe you get more money from the French government (or rather French citizens since it comes from their taxes) but the headache is almost not worth it. One point Team US for making our lives as hassle free as possible. Minus fifty points for Team France - one for each letter I've mailed into your black hole of ministries.
Update a few hours later: I just got another paper in the mail from CAF. And guess what? Asking for the same thing they already have asked me for 3 times...
such frustrations and such a waste of time. But, maybe you should partner with Brooke Shaden because your pic made me think of her amazing photography!