But, guess what? I am not going to go talk about the ins and outs of global warming and how I am totally unconvinced as to it's validity, but rather I am going to talk slightly about politics and the environment. Somewhere along the way, conservatives have decided that to be an ecologist and to be right-winged were not synonymous. They put liberalism, global warming, and the environment into one big trash bag, and threw it into the 'WRONG' pile. But let's think about this a little more. You don't have to be a global warming advocate to admit to the fact that we're in the process of destroying the earth. Who cares if global warming is real or not? What IS real is the fact that we are heavy consumers and don't pay attention to what we're doing to Mother Nature. We take 20 minute showers. We buy way too much food at the grocery store and end up throwing out 1/5 of it because it goes stale or rots. We throw things out instead of recycling them just because the 3 minute walk to the recycling bin is too hard. It's clear as day that what we're doing is someday going to add to our demise but we do nothing.
What I find even more contradictory is the fact the Christians, normally conservative, are also normally against the pleadings of the left to be more ecological. Shouldn't practicing Christians be even more concerned about this? Aren't we the ones who are to be the stewards of the earth? Shouldn't we be the ones yelling to the rest of the world about how they are destroying God's beautiful creation? Nope. We do the contrary. We just yell at the left saying they are a bunch of liars.
So, who cares if global warming is a myth or not? All that matters is God's creation in the end. I find it unfortuante that people associate topics like this with politics instead of simply thinking about it for themselves. Well, I'll get off my soap-box for today. If you're lucky, maybe next time I'll talk about gun control :)
P.S. France is known to be a more ecological country but most French people are just as bad as the average American. I am fortunate to be associated with one of the families that does care (not saying they're perfect either!).
Do you want this?

Or this?

Nehemiah 9:6. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You gave life to everything and the multitudes of heaven worship you.
Just so you know, when one talks about "global warming" it means that the AVERAGE temperature on Earth is increasing. A slight increase of the average temperature is enough to mess up the sensitive and complex mechanism of the natural climate regulation. The consequences are that temperature might increase a lot more than average in some areas (especially the ones that are warm and dry already), and decrease in some others (like if a natural climatic "wall" disappears). It might also increase the number and the strength of extreme climatic events like hurricanes, snow storms, tsunamis, etc. In other words, global warming is totally compatible with tons of snow in our frontyard!
ReplyDeleteThis being said it is right that everything isn't proven yet and it is important to keep an open mind for every opinion among the scientists, not only for the mainstream speech.
And after all you are right, global warming shouldn't even matter when it is about acting just a minimum responsibly.