Marco, Hugo, and Uncle Patrick having fun with Papy Henri's hats (Papy is what grandfathers are normally called - Marco calls him Papiri though).
Camille torturing poor Grisette. She had that green garlande around her neck for quite awhile. Eventually she went outside and was able to shake it loose.
The 'aperitif' (before dinner appetizers and drinks). We had foie gras (you can see the plate is empty - quite good!), champagne, and jello! (L-R: Jacinthe, Papy Henri, Aunt Framboise, Alexis)
The big meal is on Christmas Eve. We had Tajine, a Moroccan plate, which was DELICIOUS. (L-R: Jacinthe, Camille, Simon, Me, Marco, Uncle Patrick, Aunt Framboise, Alexis, Aunt Burge)
There were a lot of firsts for this Christmas. Add escargot and oysters to the list. Simon and I had to countdown together because we were a little skeptical..... (L-R: Camille, Simon, me)On Christmas morning. Evidently they put their gifts on their shoes!
I was surprised with gifts from everyone which I was not expecting at all. It was so nice and made me feel special (and spoiled!).
Looking at the collection of pictures from the past few days before everyone left (Front: Hugo, Alexis, Patrick, Jacinthe, Framboise 2nd Row: Simon, Marco, Burge, Papy Henri, me Missing: Camille and Pascale - she did a good job of avoiding most pictures!)
Well, there are some Christmas pictures so you can see how I spent. my Noel a la francaise :).
*Also a huge thank you to all of you who sent me letters, packages, emails etc. It wasn't the easiest being away from home for Christmas but all of you made it very special for me and everything was appreciated so much. I hope all of you had a blessed Christmas!*
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